大西洋革命战纪魔法详表Atlantic Revolutions Spells details table

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如果某魔法的'可否随机生成'参数为'❌',则该魔法就依赖于'特殊获取渠道',且该魔法在地图中肯定至少有一种特殊获取渠道;有很多魔法(不论'可否随机生成'参数为'❌'还是'✔')都各有一些暂未收录在表里的特殊获取渠道、一些写了特殊获取渠道的魔法也有更多特殊获取渠道没能写全,玩家可自行在大西洋地图中探索发现。以后会逐步补录,并详解每个魔法的每个特殊获取渠道。 If the 'randomly generated' parameter of a spell is '❌', the spell rely on 'Special getting channels 'And the spell must have at least one special getting channels in the map; there are many spells (whether the 'can be randomly generated' parameter is '❌' or '✔') that have Special getting channels that are not included in the table, and some spells that have Special getting channels written on them also have more Special getting channels that are not written in full, so players can explore the Atlantic map to find out for themselves . In the future, we will gradually add to the record,and explain in detail of each Special getting channel ,of each spell.


Name Level Class Effect 可否随机生成Randomly generated 特殊获取渠道Special getting channels
Bloodlust small.png Bloodlust 1 Fire Magic Increases the attack skill of target (or all) allied creature for melee attacks. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Cure small.png Cure 1 Water Magic Removes all negative spell effects from target (or all) allied troop and heals it for (10/20/30 + (power x 5)) health points. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Curse small.png Curse 1 Fire Magic The targeted (or all) enemy unit(s) deliver minimum or reduced damage when attacking. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Dispel small.png Dispel 1 Water Magic Removes all spell effects from target allied, enemy or all creatures and the battlefield. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Bless small.png Bless 1 Water Magic Target (or all) allied creature(s) inflict maximum damage (or maximum +1) when they attack. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Haste small.png Haste 1 Air Magic Target (or all) allied troop's speed is increased by 3 (or 5) hexes per turn. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Magic Arrow small.png Magic Arrow 1 All Schools Target, enemy troop receives (10/20/30 + (power x 10)) damage 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Protection from Fire small.png Protection from Fire 1 Fire Magic Reduces damage taken from fire spells. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Protection from Water small.png Protection from Water 1 Water Magic Reduces damage taken from water spells. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Shield small.png Shield 1 Earth Magic Reduces damage taken from hand-to-hand attacks. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Slow small.png Slow 1 Earth Magic Decreases speed. Basic: Single enemy. Expert: All enemies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Summon Boat small.png Summon Boat 1 Water Magic Summons unoccupied boat to nearby body of water. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Stone Skin small.png Stone Skin 1 Earth Magic Increases defense rating. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
View Air small.png View Air 1 Air Magic Reveals location of all unclaimed artifacts.

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View Earth small.png View Earth 1 Earth Magic Reveals location of all resources. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Blind small.png Blind 2 Fire Magic Prevents any action from being taken by target enemy creature. ✔  暂未收录Not recorded yet
Death Ripple small.png Death Ripple 2 Earth Magic Inflicts magic damage on all living creatures. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Disguise small.png Disguise 2 Air Magic Modifies the army composition scouting report visible to enemies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Disrupting Ray small.png Disrupting Ray 2 Air Magic Reduces defense rating of a single enemy. May be used repeatedly on the same target. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Fire Wall small.png Fire Wall 2 Fire Magic Creates wall of fire at target location that inflicts magic damage on creatures that pass through. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Fortune small.png Fortune 2 Air Magic Increases luck. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Ice Bolt small.png Ice Bolt 2 Water Magic Inflicts magic damage on a single enemy. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Lightning Bolt small.png Lightning Bolt 2 Air Magic Inflicts magic damage on a single enemy. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Precision small.png Precision 2 Air Magic Increases ranged attack rating. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Protection from Air small.png Protection from Air 2 Air Magic Reduces damage taken from air spells. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Quicksand small.png Quicksand 2 Earth Magic Places quicksand at random locations on the battlefield. Only visible to caster and creatures native to the terrain. Creatures attempting to pass through quicksand become stuck and make the location of the quicksand visible. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Remove Obstacle small.png Remove Obstacle 2 Water Magic Removes obstacles from the battlefield. Basic: Only trees, rocks and other natural obstacles may be removed. Advanced: May also remove fire walls. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Scuttle Boat small.png Scuttle Boat 2 Water Magic Destroys nearby unoccupied boat. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Visions small.png Visions 2 All Schools Increases information shown in scouting reports of towns, creatures and heroes. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Weakness small.png Weakness 2 Water Magic Reduces attack rating. Basic: Single enemy. Expert: All enemies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Air Shield small.png Air Shield 3 Air Magic Reduces damage taken from ranged attacks. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Animate Dead small.png Animate Dead 3 Earth Magic Reanimates killed undead creatures. Reanimated creatures are not lost when combat ends. 1.A Tale of Two Cities - Rebirth双城记-重生
Anti-Magic small.png Anti-Magic 3 Earth Magic Grants spell immunity to a single creature. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Destroy Undead small.png Destroy Undead 3 Air Magic Inflicts magic damage on all undead creatures. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Earthquake small.png Earthquake 3 Earth Magic Inflicts damage on random castle wall sections during a siege. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Fireball small.png Fireball 3 Fire Magic Inflicts magic damage on all creatures in area. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Force Field small.png Force Field 3 Earth Magic Places force field at specified location. Creatures cannot pass this field. 1.第那里克巨石阵Dinaric Stonehenge
2.萨米泽盖图萨雷吉亚木石阵Samizegai Tusaregia Stonehenge
3.英国巨石阵Stonehenge in England
Forgetfulness small.png Forgetfulness 3 Water Magic Prevents use of ranged attacks. Basic: Single enemy. Expert: All enemies. 1.Haiti Precursor Box海地先行者之盒
2.Davenport home Precursor box达文波特家园先行者之盒
3.Versailles Precursor Box凡尔赛宫先行者之盒
Frost Ring small.png Frost Ring 3 Water Magic Inflicts magic damage on all creatures in area. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Hypnotize small.png Hypnotize 3 Air Magic Allows control of actions taken by enemy creature. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Land Mine small.png Land Mine 3 Fire Magic Places landmines at random locations on the battlefield. Only visible to caster and creatures native to the terrain. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Mirth small.png Mirth 3 Water Magic Increases morale. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Misfortune small.png Misfortune 3 Fire Magic Reduces luck. Basic: Single enemy. Expert: All enemies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Protection from Earth small.png Protection from Earth 3 Earth Magic Reduces damage taken from earth spells. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Teleport small.png Teleport 3 Water Magic Teleports ally to location on the battlefield. Expert: May teleport creature over castle walls. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Armageddon small.png Armageddon 4 Fire Magic Inflicts magic damage on all creatures on the battlefield. 1.维苏威火山特殊事件Vesuvius special events
2.昂热的天启挂毯Anger's Tapestry of the Apocalypse
Berserk small.png Berserk 4 Fire Magic Forces enemy to attack closest creature. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Chain Lightning small.png Chain Lightning 4 Air Magic Inflicts magic damage on initial creature and reduced damage on nearby creatures. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Clone small.png Clone 4 Water Magic Creates clone of allied creature. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Counterstrike small.png Counterstrike 4 Air Magic Allows extra retaliations per round. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Fire Shield small.png Fire Shield 4 Fire Magic Inflicts magic damage proportional to damage taken from hand-to-hand attacks. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Frenzy small.png Frenzy 4 Fire Magic Increases attack rating and sets defense rating to 0. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Inferno small.png Inferno 4 Fire Magic Inflicts magic damage on all creatures in area. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Meteor Shower small.png Meteor Shower 4 Earth Magic Inflicts magic damage on all creatures in area. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Prayer small.png Prayer 4 Water Magic Increases attack rating, defense rating and speed. Basic: Single ally. Expert: All allies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Resurrection small.png Resurrection 4 Earth Magic Resurrects killed living creatures until the end of combat. Advanced: Resurrected creatures are not lost when combat ends. 1.A Tale of Two Cities - Rebirth双城记-重生
Slayer small.png Slayer 4 Fire Magic Increases attack rating of a single ally against Dragons, Behemoths and Hydras. Advanced: Effect applies to Angels and Devils. Expert: Effect applies to Titans. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Sorrow small.png Sorrow 4 Earth Magic Reduces morale. Basic: Single enemy. Expert: All enemies. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Town Portal small.png Town Portal 4 Earth Magic Teleports hero to closest allied, unoccupied town. Advanced: May choose any allied, unoccupied town. 1.A Tale of Two Cities双城记
2.杰弗逊出任驻法公使并返回美国Jefferson becomes Minister to France and returns to the United States
3.第一文明大神殿The Grand Temple of First Civilization
4.喀尔巴阡特殊事件Carpathian Special Events
Water Walk small.png Water Walk 4 Water Magic Allows movement to visible land across bodies of water. 1.波塞冬墓的战斗The battle of Poseidon's tomb
Dimension Door small.png Dimension Door 5 Air Magic Teleports hero to visible location. 1.罗马城内泰伯岛刺客总部可以拿到两个信仰之跃(此项容易被电脑在中后期获得并造成过天缓慢,需尽早抢下)You can get two leaps of faith from the assassin headquarters on Tiber Island in Rome (this item is easily obtained by the computer in the middle and late stages and caused slow endding turns, you need to get them as early as possible)
2. 阿尔卑斯特殊事件Alps Special Events
Fly small.png Fly 5 Air Magic Allows movement to visible land over all map obstacles. Cannot fly through cave walls in the underground. 1.蒙特高菲兄弟热气球飞行奇术Montgolfier Brothers Hot Air Balloon Flying Wizardry
2. 阿尔卑斯特殊事件Alps Special Events
Implosion small.png Implosion 5 Earth Magic Inflicts magic damage on a single enemy. 1.俄罗斯中央高地事件Russia Central Highlands special events
2.Seismic Temple地震神殿
Magic Mirror small.png Magic Mirror 5 Air Magic Reflects hostile spells to a random enemy. Basic: 20% chance of occurrence. Advanced: 30% chance. Expert: 40% chance. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Sacrifice small.png Sacrifice 5 Fire Magic Destroys and removes living, unkilled allies to bring previously living, killed allies back to life. 1.双城记A tale of two cities
2.第一文明大神殿The Grand Temple of First Civilization
Summon Air Elemental small.png Summon Air Elemental 5 Air Magic Summons allied Air Elementals for the duration of combat. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Summon Earth Elemental small.png Summon Earth Elemental 5 Earth Magic Summons allied Earth Elementals for the duration of combat. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Summon Fire Elemental small.png Summon Fire Elemental 5 Fire Magic Summons allied Fire Elementals for the duration of combat. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Summon Water Elemental small.png Summon Water Elemental 5 Water Magic Summons allied Water Elementals for the duration of combat. 暂未收录Not recorded yet
Titan's Lightning Bolt small.png Titan's Lightning Bolt 5 Air Magic Inflicts 600 magic damage on a single enemy. Requires Titan's Thunder. 1.杰曼手里的伊甸之剑The Sword of Eden in Germain's hand
2.瓦尔哈拉神殿前比约恩英灵事件Valhalla Bjorn's spirit event

See also[edit]